About Us
A Little History
In 1952 a number of local orchid growing enthusiasts came together to form the Sutherland Shire Orchid Society. The Society’s members soon became known for growing a large range of high quality exotic species and complex hybrids, but it was in the area of Australian Native orchids that the Society became especially noted. It is still highly regarded for its members’ expertise with native orchids to this day.
The Society was known for its excellent display work in large shows and S.S.O.S shows led the way with small table top displays. The Society also gained a reputation for its high quality benching at the monthly meetings.
The Society holds its meetings on the 2nd Monday evening of each month at the Auditorium of the Sutherland Uniting Church, Cnr Flora and Merton Streets, Sutherland. See Calendar for dates of meetings.
The formal meeting begins at 8.00pm however the doors are open from around 7.00pm. Members bring their orchid plants to the meeting for judging. Points are awarded for the best plants in each of the different orchid classes. The classes are categorised according to Open, Intermediate and Novice growers. The Society runs a sales table at most meetings, with plants and seedlings for sale at very reasonable prices. The Committee also invites speakers to present on a variety of topics for both beginner and experienced growers, which means there is always something to interest everybody.
- President: Rhonda Jackson
- Vice President: Melissa Karayannis
- Secretary:
- Treasurer: Michael Vitnell
- Committee: David Hicks, Paul Sheaffe, Jenny Sharpham, Mark Drury & Robin Bannell
Membership Fees
- Adult single – $20
- Adult couple – $30
- Pensioner single – $15
- Pensioner couple -$20
- Junior (to 16 years) – $5
- Joining fee all categories – $1
- Membership Application Form
Further information
If you wish to become a member of the Sutherland Shire Orchid Society you are most welcome to attend one of our meetings. Alternatively you can contact the Secretary on secretary@ssos.org.au